Extending Bool for Entertainment and New Control Structures in Swift

I'm playing around with the Swift extension and stumbled upon a strange error while trying to extend Bool:

typealias Task = ()->()
extension Bool{
    func untilFalse(task: Task){

        while !self {println(self); task()}

var i = 2

(i < 1).untilFalse{
    println("\(i) bottles of beer on the wall, \(i) bottles of beer.")
    println("Take one down and pass it around, \(i) bottles of beer on the wall.")


For some reason, the loop just goes on and on, even after the expression boolean

has become true


Any ideas on what might be going on?


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2 answers

The problem is that the expression i < 1

will be evaluated once, the result will be false

. It will not be constantly reviewed. To achieve this, you will have to replace it with a function or a closure.

If you really want to, you can rewrite your code like this:

typealias Task = ()->()
typealias BooleanExpression = () -> Bool

infix operator *** {}

func *** (b: BooleanExpression, t: Task) {
  while !b() { t() }

var i = 2

let exp: BooleanExpression = { i < 1 }
exp *** {
  println("\(i) bottles of beer on the wall, \(i) bottles of beer.")
  println("Take one down and pass it around, \(i) bottles of beer on the wall.")


But that's pretty damn ugly!



In the same direction as Colin's expression, but building it with auto-closure, you can use:

typealias Task = ()->()

infix operator *** {}
func ***(expression:@autoclosure ()->Bool, task:Task) {
    while !expression() {

var i = 2

(i < 1) *** {
    println("\(i) bottles of beer on the wall, \(i) bottles of beer.")
    println("Take one down and pass it around, \(i) bottles of beer on the wall.")


This simplifies things a bit. Of course, the natural syntax would be to just use something like:

func untilFalse(expression:@autoclosure ()->Bool, block:()->()) {
    while(!expression()) {

var i = 2
untilFalse(i < 1) {
    println("\(i) bottles of beer on the wall, \(i) bottles of beer.")
    println("Take one down and pass it around, \(i) bottles of beer on the wall.")


Which builds on the autoclosure and trailing block syntax to appear to add a new type of statement to the language



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