Vim and matchadd compatibility don't work the same

I am playing around with the match functionality in vim (7.4) and I see some differences between match and matchadd that I cannot figure out.

The pattern I am using is simple to match some text in a specific row and column.

if i try the following it works and highlights the text:

:match Test /\%2l\%>4v\%<7v/


If I try the following it won't:

:call matchadd('Test','/\%2l\%>4v\%<7v/') 


'Test' is any selection group.

a simpler template, however, works fine, for example:

:call matchadd('Test','test') 


Any explanation or help would be helpful.


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1 answer

Remove /

from your regex. You don't need separators when using matchadd()

or any vim function.

call matchadd('Test','\%2l\%>4v\%<7v')




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