How do you create a file (i.e. Gist) in bash?

I want to create a gist in my bash shell, how can I do this in one line? In other words, I don't want to create an intermediate file.

I tried this but it failed to transfer the remote file:

source <(curl -s -L


Works on Mac OSX 10.9.

Thanks in advance.


source to share

3 answers

Apple is shipping an older version of Bash, Bash 3.2; Bash 4 was released 5 years ago. Here are some possible ways to get around this:

  • Install MacPorts , Homebrew or pkgsrc and install Bash through one of them; or just build and install it yourself from source . Remember to add the newly installed Bash to /etc/shells

    so you can set it as your shell, then go to System Preferences> Users & Groups, click the lock to specify your password so you can make changes, then right click (click two clicks / clicks) on your user to select "More options ..." and change your skin there.
  • If you need to be compatible with the 7 year old Bash that comes with OS X, you can simply save the file and fix it from there. Here's a Bash example to make it easier:

    function curlsource() {
        f=$(mktemp -t curlsource)
        curl -o "$f" -s -L "$1"
        source "$f"
        rm -f "$f"

  • If you absolutely must avoid creating a temporary file and must work in ancient versions of Bash, your best bet is to read into a string and evaluate the result. I tried to mimic the effect source <(cmd)

    by creating a FIFO (named pipe), injecting output into it cmd

    and reading it with source

    , but got nothing. It turns out, looking at the source for Bash 3.2, it source

    just reads the entire file into a line and checks the file size before that. The FIFO returns size 0 when you do stat

    , so source

    happily allocates a string of length 1 (for a trailing zero), reads 0 bytes into it, and returns success. So, since it source

    just reads the entire file into a string and then evaluates that, you can simply do the same:

    eval "$(curl -s -L"



OS X still ships bash

3.2 by default; in this version, the command source

does not seem to work as expected with process substitutions, which can be demonstrated with a simple test:

$ source <(echo FOO=5)
$ echo $FOO



However, the same command source

works in bash

4.1 or newer (I don't have a setup for testing 4.0, and the release notes seem to disagree with this question.)



This will work with any version of bash and without creating a file.

source <<< "$(curl -s -L"




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