SLIME won't load with Emacs

I recently updated SLIME from package-list-packages

in Emacs. However, when I try to run it with M-x slime

, I get this:

(progn (load "/home/koz/.emacs.d/elpa/slime-20140913.730/swank-loader.lisp" :verbose t) (funcall (read-from-string "swank-loader:init")) (funcall (read-from-string "swank:start-server") "/tmp/slime.3081"))

; loading #P"/home/koz/.emacs.d/elpa/slime-20140913.730/swank-loader.lisp"
;; Error while compiling /home/koz/.emacs.d/elpa/slime-20140913.730/swank/backend.lisp:
;;   Failed to find the TRUENAME of /home/koz/.emacs.d/elpa/slime-20140913.730/swank/backend.lisp:
;;     No such file or directory
;; Aborting.
;; * 


I still have the REPL, but I think this is very strange and I would like to know what is happening and why.


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2 answers

This is caused by the loss of the swank subdirectory in your slime folder. To fix this you can just download slime from github and copy the folder swank

to the set slime path, for your situation /home/koz/.emacs.d/elpa/slime-20140913.730/

then restart the slime. it will load correctly.



On the Freenode # lisp channel , I spoke with one person who agreed that the current version of SLIME in MELPA (20140913.730) is broken, My system is missing the entire $ HOME / .emacs.d / elpa / slime-20140913.730 / swank / directory which seems to be the reason it can't compile the Lisp files it finds in it.

Other channel members suggested installing SLIME from Quicklisp; I did this and it worked, although the SLIME version is slightly older (dated 2014-08-01). Here's what I did (I didn't have Quicklisp); configure according to your system and settings:

  • Remove SLIME from the list of Emacs packages (do M-x list-packages

    , go to line for SLIME, press d, then press x).
  • Visit and download the file in the green box (in my case it went to ~ / Downloads).
  • SBCL update to version 1.2.2 or newer. This is probably too much.
  • Run sbcl

  • Rate (load "~/Downloads/quicklisp.lisp")

  • Rate (quicklisp-quickstart:install)

    ; optional, if you don't want it to go into ~ / quicklisp add :path "~/.quicklisp/"

    (replacing whatever directory you actually want to install it on).
  • Install SLIME and SWANK by evaluating (ql:quickload "swank")

  • Optional: Please rate (ql:add-to-init-file)

    to fix your .sbclrc to always load Quicklisp in SBCL.
  • Exit SBCL with Ctrl+ d.
  • Adjust the Emacs configuration file as shown in the SLIME readme . To enter the path, use "~/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/slime-2.9"

    (corrected for whatever path you set in Quicklisp).
  • Reload Emacs and M-x slime

    should work.


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