Building assets in android project using gradle
I need to pack some text files into a zip file and put it in assets
my Android project folder . I am using gradle and android studio. This is what I have in mine build.gradle
at the moment:
task textsToZip(type: Zip, description: 'create a zip files with all txts') {
destinationDir file("$buildDir/txts")
baseName 'txts'
extension 'zip'
from fileTree(dir: 'text-files', include: '**/*.txt')
into 'assets'
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
It doesn't work, I am not getting in the right place. I'm completely new to gradle, can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? Thank!
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1 answer
Ok, in the end I figured it out. I created a task for each option, this way:
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def zipTask = project.tasks.create "textsToZip${}", Zip
zipTask.destinationDir = file(variant.processResources.assetsDir)
zipTask.baseName = "txts"
zipTask.extension = "zip"
zipTask.from fileTree(dir: 'text-files', include: '**/*.txt')
I don't know if this is better, but it worked for me and I find it to be quite elegant too.
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