Xcode 6 ScrollView with Universal Layout

With Xcode 6, w: Any and H: Any, I want to make a view that can be scrolled horizontally, there are 4 views in scrolling positioned horizontally and one is full width (see picture)

How can I achieve this with Xcode 6's new generic layout diagram?

I mean, I am confused about what constraints I have to use for each element to get it to work

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1 answer

As of Xcode 5, you need to make the content of the scroll more a multiple of the appearance of the scroll, and both scroll view and content view need to be restricted entirely.

To do this for different screen widths:

  • Make a scroll view and constrain its borders.
  • Add a UIView to the scroll view to limit the size of the scroll content, we will call this the content view.
  • Add constraints to the appearance of the content so that the scrolling content is constrained by it.
  • Make the content view equal to the width in the scroll view.
  • Edit the equal width constraint so that the width of the content views is a multiple of the scroll width (a number that should be the number of pages).
  • Add an appropriate height constraint to the content view (probably equal height with the scroll view).

Here is a sample project that does this. For a more detailed explanation there is a blog post here



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