Code = 2 when connected to ChromeCast device

I am working on an iOS app where I now want to integrate ChromeCast support. I am using the HelloGoogleVideoCast example to test my hardware settings and get some inspiration for my application.

Now I stumbled upon a problem that is present in both my application and HelloGoogleVideoCast. When I connect to the device (connectToDevice method in HelloGoogleVideoCast), I get the error "The operation could not be completed ( error 2.)". I turned off the power to the device with no change in behavior. I never get to the callback deviceManagerDidConnect and with this error deviceManager is called: didFailToConnectWithError. However, I can connect to the iOS YouTube app.

I can't find anything with the substance if I do, and I can't find good ChromeCast developer forums.

Does anyone have any deal with how to solve this?


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3 answers

I'm not sure if this helps, but you can try:

Download the Chromecast app from the app store: chrome link

Once you see yours -> chromecast

select -> chromecast

General -> make sure both checkboxes are checked (I know the text has nothing to do with your problem).

Try now.

If the error still occurs, try restarting chromecast


If the error persists, try resetting yours chromecast

and then check the boxes again (don't forget!).



Make sure you initialize the receiver manager in the receiver application as soon as possible. Don't wait for the window. Loading. If the receiver takes too long to download and initialize the receiver manager, the connection is automatically dropped.



I had the same problem as yours and the following changes worked for me on the receiver:

  • I put script src = "//" inside the main tag and before the title tag;
  • I put my script file that controlled all the cast functions after the body tag (in fact, I put all the script declarations except for the cast_receiver, after the body tag, including jQuery);

I hope this can help you :)



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