Quick warning - integer overflows when converting from 'Builtin.Int32' to 'Builtin.Int8'

I am getting the following warning without referencing the line where it happens:

warning: integer overflows when converted from 'Builtin.Int32' to 'Builtin.Int8'


The warning occurs in this code:

extension NSPoint {

func ToString() -> String {
    return "(" + self.x.description + "," + self.y.description + ")"

func Plus(toBeAdded : NSPoint) -> NSPoint {
    return NSPoint(x: self.x + toBeAdded.x, y: self.y + toBeAdded.y)

func Minus(toBeMinused : NSPoint) -> NSPoint {
    return NSPoint(x: self.x - toBeMinused.x, y: self.y - toBeMinused.y)

static func fromScalar(scalar : Int) -> NSPoint {
    return NSPoint(x: scalar, y: scalar)


The NSPoint initializer accepts Int, so I don't immediately know why that would be - any ideas?


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1 answer

This looks like an error and is caused by a method description

in your method ToString()

. The same warning is already happening with

let x = CGFloat(12.0)
let s = x.description


As a workaround, you can use string interpolation:

func ToString() -> String {
    return "(\(self.x),\(self.y))"


or simply

func ToString() -> String {
    return "\(self)"


which gives the same result.



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