JavaScript TypeError Function

I have JavaScript code:

var update_money = function(money_am){
    var d = {'ammount': money_am};
    $.post("/adr/", d, load_money)

z = parseFloat($('#money').val());
$('#money').change(z, update_money);


When it is executed, it gives me a runtime error:

TypeError: "stopPropagation" invokes an object that does not implement the Event interface.

In debugging I found that money_am

it is not a float. It is an object. But if I change my code like this:

var update_money = function(money_am){
    var d = {'ammount': parseFloat($('#money').val())};
    $.post("/adr/", d, load_money)


It works great. What can I do to fix this problem?


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2 answers

The data that was passed to the event handler can be accessed with


Fiddle .

var update_money = function(event)
    var money_am =;
    var d = {'ammount': money_am};
    $.post("/adr/", d, load_money);

function load_money() { }

z = parseFloat($('#money').val());
$('#money').change(z, update_money);




Make sure the monetary value is handled by parseFloat:

You can also change your code to this:

$('#money').change(function() {
    var z = parseFloat($('#money').val());


This will allow you to receive a new cash value every time the money field changes. Instead of always using the same value. Along with the correct definition of z.



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