How to determine which field has been updated in afterUpdate | beforeUpdate GORM Methods

I am using the afterUpdate method reflected by the GORM API in a grails project.

class Transaction{

    Person receiver;
    Person sender;



I want to know which field was changed to execute afterUpdate


class Transaction{
   def afterUpdate(){
      if(/*Receiver is changed*/){
        new TransactionHistory(proKey:'receiver',propName:this.receiver).save();
      new TransactionHistory(proKey:'sender',propName:this.sender).save();



I can use beforeUpdate

: and catch up with the object before updating in a global variable (previously as a transaction), then in afterUpdate compare previous

with the current object. May be?


source to share

1 answer

This is usually done using the isDirty method on your domain instance. For example:

// returns true if the instance value of firstName 
// does not match the persisted value int he database.


However, in your case, if you use afterUpdate()

, the value is already stored in the database and isDirty

will never return true.

You will need to do your own checks with beforeUpdate

. This may mean a transitional meaning that you later read. For example:

class Person {
  String firstName
  boolean firstNameChanged = false
  static transients = ['firstNameChanged']
  def beforeUpdate() {
    firstNameChanged = this.isDirty('firstName')
  def afterUpdate() {
    if (firstNameChanged)




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