AngularJS ui-router

The AngularJS ui-router state machine extension declares a directive that transforms routes with an attribute ui-sref

in path href

and populates them with the requested variables. Is there a way to access a single route parser from a scope?


I'm looking for a reliable built-in but undocumented resolver (or a way to get the same result) that gives the path to a named argument. In the spirit of the named route:

<a ui-sref="management.person({personId: 1})" />


What fits the route

$stateProvider.state('management', {
  url: '/absolute/part'

$stateProvider.state('management.person', {
  url: '/relative/part/:personId'


and outputs #/absolute/part/relative/part/1

- and in case I switch to using snippet !

all urls are converted. The directive itself does this already, but its arguments cannot be constructed dynamically.


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2 answers

ui-router provides several services in the API that you can use to do this. Try one of the following examples:

From . $ state

var url = $state.href('about-person', {
    person: "bob"


From . $ urlRouter

var url = $urlRouter.href(new UrlMatcher("/about/:person"), {
    person: "bob"


These two patterns translate state names and URL patterns into fully formatted URLs. Additional APIs are also available.



As of March 2015, I got 'UrlMatcher is not defined'

Chad Robinson's answer. But I managed to inject $urlMatcherFactory

and replace urlParams in the url of the ui-router template.

    person: "bob"




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