Style first character of a paragraph using jquery

I'm looking for a way to style the first character in a paragraph. I used this function to return the first character

var x= $(".about p:eq(0)").text();


but not sure how to style it


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4 answers

You can use CSS3 to create your first character.

p::first-letter { 
  font-size: 200%;
  color: #8A2BE2;



More information:

Javascript approach:

$(document).ready(function () { 
    var elem = $("p").contents().filter(function () { return this.nodeType == 3 }).first(),
        text = elem.text().trim(),
        first = text.slice(0, 1);

    if (!elem.length)

    elem[0].nodeValue = text.slice(first.length);
    elem.before('<span>' + first + '</span>');



Use a CSS first-letter


p::first-letter {
    color: #FF69B4;


This will select and style the first letter of each element <p>

. JS Fiddle Demo



With JQuery:

var x= $(".about p:eq(0)").text();
var text='<span class="fChar">'+x.charAt(0)+'</span>';
$(".about p:eq(0)").html(text + x.slice(1,x.length));


With css:

.about p:first-child:first-letter {


because you requested a jquery solution and you selected tag 1 ( :eq(0)

) <p>


update after @Garconis comment

var parent = "p"

function styleFirst(elem){
	var content = $(elem).contents()[0];
  if(content.nodeType == 1){
  }else if(content.nodeType == 3){

function style(txt){
    var newTxt = '<span class="fChar">' + txt.charAt(0) + '</span>';
		return newTxt + txt.slice(1, txt.length);

.fChar {

  color: blue;

<script src=""></script>
<p><span><span>Win</span>ter</span> is <span>here</span> !!!!!!!!!!!</p>

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Update in code:

Storing nodes in para tag can also style the 1st text character, even if nested within any other element.

The code can be updated to check if the 1st char will be a space / tab, etc. in style()

, and the subsequent style can be applied.



After the same initial question, I decided to take bits and pieces of other code and create my own solution / answer. Here is my method.


Reference notes in jQuery to understand some of the arguments.

(function($) {

  // find each instance of your target
  $('p').each(function() {

    // now check if the first character is "<" character
    // if is NOT a "<" character, then continue
    if ($(this).html()[0] != "<") {
      // good, now search the contents of the first TEXT_NODE within the selector
      var node = $(this).contents().filter(function() {
          return this.nodeType == 3
        // check the start of the string (which is what the ^ is for)
        // find any white space (via the "\s")
        // and chunks of contiguous whitespace, which is what the + is for on "\s+"
        // and keep finding all instances at the start, which is what the global "/g" is for
        // and convert them into nothing
        text = node.text().replace(/^\s+/g, ''),
        // now start at the beginning (0 position) and grab the first character
        first = text.slice(0, 1);

      // if the first node isn't a TEXT_NODE, then stop here
      if (!node.length)

      // remove the text character that we grabbed
      node[0].nodeValue = text.slice(first.length);
      // now add it back, before the node we checked, with a wrapper
      node.before('<span class="fs-dropcap">' + first + '</span>');




span.fs-dropcap {
  color: red;

<script src=""></script>
<p>&nbsp;"[yo]"This is a test <b>&nbsp; Other HTML <a href="#0;">tester</a> should not be affected by manipulations</b></p>
<p>    This is a test <b>&nbsp; Other HTML <a href="#0;">tester</a> should not be affected by manipulations</b></p>
<p><span>span tag here</span> This is a test <b>&nbsp; Other HTML <a href="#0;">tester</a> should not be affected by manipulations</b></p>
<p><a href="#0">test</a> This is a test <b>Other HTML should not be affected by manipulations</b>
<p>This is a test <b>Other HTML should not be affected by manipulations</b></p>
<p>&nbsp; This is a test "Other HTML should not be affected by manipulations"
<p><u>&nbsp;&nbsp;tester&nbsp;&nbsp;</u> This is a test "Other HTML should not be affected by manipulations"

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