How to add random intercept and random bias to a GAMM model in R

I am trying to specify both random intercept and random bias in a single fixed effect GAMM model.

I have successfully simulated a random intercept model using the below code in the library mgcv

, but now I can't figure out what the syntax is for random skew inside a function gamm()


M1  = gamm(dur ~ s(dep, bs="ts", k = 4), random= list(fInd = ~1), data= df)


If I were to use random intercept and slope in a linear mixed effects model, I would write it like this:

M2 = lme(dur ~ dep, random=~1 + dep|fInd, data=df)


The accompanying documentation gamm()

states that random members should be specified in the form list

as in lme()

, but I cannot find a single interpreted example that includes both slope and hooking points. Any advice / solution would be much appreciated.


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2 answers

The function gamm4

in the package gamm4

contains a way to do this. You define random intercept and slope just like in style lmer

. In your case:

M1 = gamm4(dur~s(dep,bs="ts",k=4), random = ~(1+dep|fInd), data=df)


Here is the gamm4 documentation:



Here is the syntax gamm()

for injecting correlated random intercept and slope effects using a dataset sleepstudy



# Model via lme()
fm1 <- lme(Reaction ~ Days, random= ~1+Days|Subject, data=sleepstudy, method='REML')
# Model via gamm()
fm1.gamm <- gamm(Reaction ~ Days, random= list(Subject=~1+Days), data=sleepstudy, method='REML')

# Both are identical
# Subject = pdLogChol(1 + Days) 
#             Variance StdDev    Corr  
# (Intercept) 612.0795 24.740241 (Intr)
# Days         35.0713  5.922103 0.066 
# Residual    654.9424 25.591843  


The syntax for introducing uncorrelated random intercept and slope effects is the same for lme()

and gamm()


# Model via lme()
fm2 <- lme(Reaction ~ Days, random= list(Subject=~1, Subject=~0+Days), data=sleepstudy, method='REML')
# Model via gamm()
fm2.gamm <- gamm(Reaction ~ Days, random= list(Subject=~1, Subject=~0+Days), data=sleepstudy, method='REML')

# Both are identical
#             Variance            StdDev   
# Subject =   pdLogChol(1)                 
# (Intercept) 627.5690            25.051328
# Subject =   pdLogChol(0 + Days)          
# Days         35.8582             5.988172
# Residual    653.5838            25.565285


This answer also shows you how to inject multiple random effects into lme()




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