How to get HashMap value with 3 values

If I have a HashMap with a key like this: [pubDate, title, link]

and a value like this (example):

[Thu, 03 Jan 2013 21:50:02 +0100, Transferts - YBX : ''Je change de dimension'',]


Can I get a link

? Code:

    for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
                    // creating new HashMap
                    map = new HashMap<String, String>();
                    Element e = (Element) nl.item(i);
                    // adding each child node to HashMap key => value
                    map.put(KEY_TITLE, parser.getValue(e, KEY_TITLE));
                    map.put(KEY_LINK, parser.getValue(e, KEY_LINK));

                    map.put(KEY_DATE, parser.getValue(e, KEY_DATE));
                    //map.put(KEY_DESC, parser.getValue(e, KEY_DESC));

                    // adding HashList to ArrayList



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5 answers

You create an object that contains all three key subsections as attributes. Be sure to follow equals

and hashCode


public class MyKey {
  public MyKey(String subkey1, String subkey2, String subkey3) {


Use an object like this as the key for your card:

Map<MyKey, String> myMap = ....;
myMap.get(new MyKey("Thu", "03 Jan 2013 21:50:02 +0100", "Transferts - YBX"));


Good luck!



I just ran into the same problem and decided to map my key to Entry . This allows you to use the same indexing functionality as provided by the map by having more than one property associated with a key. I think this is a much faster solution, creating a separate class or nesting maps.

Map<String, Entry<Action, Boolean>> actionMap = new HashMap<String, Entry<Action, Boolean>>();

actionMap.put("action_name", new SimpleEntry(action, true));


To use the data later:

Entry<Action, Boolean> actionMapEntry = actionMap.get("action_name");

if(actionMapEntry.value()) actionMapEntry.key().applyAction();


My personal use of this was to display named functions. By selecting a function by name, the function will run and a boolean value will determine whether processing is needed during processing.



You can also try to use a nested hash file, such HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>>

as where you then formulate your query as map.get(date).get(title).get(link)

A better solution would be to encapsulate this nested hash file in your own class as such:

public class NestedHashmap {
    private Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>> map;

    public NestedHashMap() { 
        map = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>>;

    public put(String date, String title, String link, String value){
        if(map.get(date) == null) { 
            map.put(date, new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>;
        if(map.get(date).get(title) == null){
            map.get(date).put(new HashMap<String, String>);
        map.get(date).get(title).put(link, value);

    public get(String date, String title, String link) {
        // ...mostly analogous to put...




You can create a composite key that contains all the desired values ​​in the key. An easy way to do this would be to concatenate together the values ​​that make up your key, limited to a value that you are sure will not appear in the key values.


String makeCompoundKey(String pubDate, String title) {
  return pubDate + "|" + title;

HashMap<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();

map.put(makeComoundKey(pubDate,title), link)


To avoid the problem of choosing a character that does not appear in any of the key values ​​for handling non-String keys, and probably to improve performance, you can declare a new class containing your key values ​​and override the methods equals

and hashCode


final class DateAndTitle {
  private final Date pubDate;
  private final String title;

  boolean equals(Object rhs) {
    // let eclipse generate this for you, but it will probably look like ...
    return rhs != null && rhs.getClass() == getClass() &&
      pubDate.equals(rhs.pubDate) && title.equals(rhs.title);

  int hashCode(Object) {
    // let eclipse generate this for you...


Then you can define your card like this:


and use DateAndTitle object to index your map.



In my case, I found another solution: create an ArrayList and put all references to it for each loop. It's much easier.



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