Extjs: must get confirmation before closing window

I have an Ext.window and I would like to display a confirmation message before the user tries to close the window by either clicking the close button in the window, or the default [x] button at the top, or the Esc key. I have the following code for this purpose.

              closeWindow: function(){
                      title: 'Confirm or Cancel',
                      msg: 'Are you sure you want to close this window?',
                      buttonText: {ok: 'Yes', cancel: 'No'},
                      icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING,
                      scope: this,
                      width: 400,
                      fn: function(btn, text){
                      if (btn == 'ok'){
                      this.cleanEvents(null, null, this.identifier);
                    } else {


This piece of code works great when I click the close button on the window. But when I hit the default close button [x] or the esc key, due to the asynchronous nature of extjs, the window disappears before a confirmation message appears. When the confirmation message appears, there is no window and it becomes irrelevant. I have also tried using the beforeClose event, but no use.

Any suggestions or ideas on how this can be achieved in extjs ?. Thank...


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1 answer

Check the following please, it works for me:

    Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
            beforeclose:function(win) {
                if(win.closeMe) {
                    win.closeMe = false;
                    return true;
                     title:'Close confirmation'
                    ,msg:'Really close?'
                    ,callback:function(btn) {
                        if('yes' === btn) {
                            win.closeMe = true;
                return false;




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