LDAP UnboundId: Get all attribute values ​​from one entry

I have this code

    // get the search results, getConnection = LDAPConnection
    SearchResult searchResults = getConnection().search(basedn,
            SearchScope.SUB, "(cn=JacobKranz)", "description");

    if (searchResults.getEntryCount() > 0)
        for(int i=0; i < searchResults.getEntryCount(); i++)
            SearchResultEntry entry = searchResults.getSearchEntries().get(i);





The entry where cn = JacobKranz has multiple descriptions added to it, but I can only get the first value and not loop through each one.

How do I get all the values?


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1 answer

Use multivalued API:

for(String v : entry.getAttributeValues("description")) {
    System.out.println(String.format("description value: %s", v));




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