Jenkins not available error - 503 - works as user

I have a git repository that is limited by my command and I want to set up jenkins on my system. Since jenkins is running as jenkins user, I am working on starting jenkins as I am. I followed the steps but after that when I run jenkins I get a 503 service unavailable error. because i changed user in / etc / default / jenkins to my id from jenkins. When I change it back to jenkins it works. / Var / log / jenkins / no login /. Has anyone encountered this problem before ?.


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1 answer

I find out that the owner of the directory /var/cache/jenkins

and /var/lib/jenkins

was changed somehow to jenkins , just redid

sudo chown YOUR_USER_NAME /var/lib/jenkins

sudo chown YOUR_USER_NAME /var/cache/jenkins

Restart jenkins, it should work.

Also check / var / log / jenkins if it shows the same problem.



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