Unknown column "JOB_CONFIGURATION_LOCATION" in "field list" when using spring package 3.0.0

I used to use batch files spring-batch-core-2.2.0

and spring-batch-infrastructure-2.2.0

, but now I want to use spring-batch-3.0.0

, so I changed banks, and used the spring-batch-core-3.0.0

, spring-batch-infrastructure-3.0.0

, spring-retry-1.0.2.RELEASE

and javax.batch-api-1.


But now I am getting the error ::

"incorrect SQL grammar [INSERT in BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION (JOB_EXECUTION_ID, JOB_INSTANCE_ID, START_TIME, END_TIME, STATUS, EXIT_CODE, EXIT_MESSAGE, VERSION, CREATE_TIME, LAST_UPDATFED,? ,?,?)]; nested exception com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column "JOB_CONFIGURATION_LOCATION" in "field list" "

I don't want to delete the previous data that is generated by the spring package.


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1 answer

The database tables used inside the spring package have changed.

Have a look at the answer to this question: Is there a Spring Script Pack 3 for MySQL?

This provides DDL for updating tables in mysql. You may need to make minor changes depending on your database.



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