Getting fatal error when Grails application appears

As soon as my grails go up I start getting the message below

[Fatal Error]: 28844: 3: XML document structures must start and end within the same object. [Fatal Error]: 43878: 27: XML document structures must begin and end within the same object.

I am using the following plugins:

  • compile (": shiro: 1.2.1")
  • compile ": restapidoc: 0.1.1"
  • runtime ": hibernate:" // or ": hibernate4:"
  • compile ": multi-tenant-single-db: 0.8.3"
  • builds (": release: 3.0.1", ": rest-client-builder: 1.0.3") {export = false}
  • compile ": quartz: 1.0.2"

But the problem is not related to these plugins. I am also not manipulating any xml and it doesn't seem like grails does it.

While everything works well, I'm curious as to why such a message is coming in.

Any help would be much appreciated.



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1 answer

Grails uses some XML files behind the scenes. Make sure everything looks good in the catalog web-app/WEB-INF


If these files look good, then it might be one of the generated files. Try to run grails clean

and run again.



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