IOS xcarchive signing with new clauses

I have a file xcarchive

that I made some changes and I want to sign it for distribution. (It's already signed with our certificates) When I first tried it after downloading all the certificates and submitting from Apple, I got an error:

Xcode tried to find or create matching signature assets and failed due to the following issues: your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate ........ You can also revoke the current certificate and request again.

In my membership center, I had 2 positions for Enterprise, I revoked the last one and generated a new one.

Now I get a new message:

No matching provisioning found for "Applicataions / No valid provisioning profiles allow the specified rights: app id, beta report-active, keyword access group.

The selected command "My Command ..." is different from the command "6hjfhGHR44" originally for creating this item.

How to solve this problem?


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