How to convert CryptoPP :: Integer to char *

I want to convert myVar from CryptoPP:Integer

to char*

or to String: Code below:

CryptoPP::Integer myVar = pubKey.ApplyFunction(m);
std::cout << "result: " << std::hex << myVar<< std::endl;


I searched the web for converting CryptoPP:Integer

to char*

, but I had no luck finding. So either this is really a problem with everyone to convert CryptoPP:Integer

to char*

, or I don't understand type very well CryptoPP:Integer

in C ++.

Can anyone help me?


source to share

4 answers

In one case, not knowing much more about CryptoPP::Integer

other than what it explicitly supports <<

, as implied by your question, one should use std::stringstream


std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::hex /*if required*/ << myVar;


Extract the base std::string

one using, say std::string s = ss.str();

. Then you can use s.c_str()

to access the buffer const char*

as long as it s

is in scope. Do not change in s

any way as soon as you call and rely on the result c_str()

, as the behavior of this and subsequently rely on this result: undefined.

There are simpler C ++ 11 solutions, but this requires you (and me) to learn more about type.



With Boost:



C ++ 98:

std::ostringstream stream;
stream << myVar;




If CryptoPP::Integer

it is possible to send to output streams like std::cout

(as your code suggests) you can use : std::ostringstream

#include <sstream>  // For std::ostringstream

std::string ToString(const CryptoPP::Integer& n)
    // Send the CryptoPP::Integer to the output stream string
    std::ostringstream os;
    os << n;    
    // or, if required:
    //     os << std::hex << n;  

    // Convert the stream to std::string
    return os.str();


Then, once you have an instance std::string

, you can convert it to const char*

with . (But I think in C ++ code you should use a safe string class like in general instead of raw C-style character pointers). std::string::c_str()


I'm guessing it is CryptoPP::Integer

not a trivial typedef for int

If you want to convert int

to std::string

, then you can just use C ++ 11 . std::to_string()



There are several different ways to do this, depending on what you want. char*

does not provide sufficient information in this case.

This is what you get when using the insert operator:

byte buff[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' };
CryptoPP::Integer n(buff, sizeof(buff));

cout << "Oct: " << std::oct << n << endl;
cout << "Dec: " << std::dec << n << endl;
cout << "Hex: " << std::hex << n << endl;


This leads to:

$ ./cryptopp-test.exe
Oct: 4414533066157o
Dec: 310939249775.
Hex: 48656c6c6fh


However, if you want to get the original "hello" string (re: your Raw RSA project):

byte buff[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' };
CryptoPP::Integer n(buff, sizeof(buff));

size_t len = n.MinEncodedSize();
string str;

n.Encode((byte *), str.size(), Integer::UNSIGNED);

cout << "Str: " << str << endl;


This leads to:

$ ./cryptopp-test.exe
Str: Hello


If, however, you just want the string used in Integer

, then:

Integer i("11111111111111111111");    
ostringstream oss;

oss << i;    
string str = oss.str();

cout << str << endl;


This leads to:

$ ./cryptopp-test.exe




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