Jison launch conditions using json format

Despite searching the documentation and forums for a long time, I still cannot get the correct syntax for the Jison launch condition using JSON format in node.js

> ** Documentation at http://zaach.github.io/jison/docs/ says:
> // Using the JSON format, start conditions are defined with an array
> // before the rule’s 
> matcher {rules:[
>     [['expect'], '[0-9]+"."[0-9]+', 'console.log( "found a float, = " + yytext );'
>     ]]}


Unfortunately, nobody provides a complete working sample.

I am trying to exclude any text between two tags. Lex will use launch conditions. Jison documentation says it should work. However, since Jison's error messages are not very intuitive, I'd like to find a working pattern to move forward.

Will anyone have a solution?

var jison    = require("jison").Parser;

grammar = {  
    "lex": {
        "rules" : [ [" +" , "/* skip whitespace */"]
            ,[['mode1'], '[0-z]+\\b'        , "return 'INFO';"]
            ,[['mode1'], '<\\/extensions>'  , "this.popState(); return 'EXTEND';"]
            ,['<extensions>'                , "this.begin('mode1'); return 'EXTSTART';"]
            ,['$'                           , "return 'EOL';"]
    },  // end Lex rules

    "bnf": { // WARNING: only one space in between TOKEN ex: "STOP EOF"
        'data': [["EOL"      , "this.cmd='EMPTY'    ; return (this);"]           
           ,['EXTSTART INFO EXTEND EOL'  ,"this.cmd='EXTEN';this.value=$2;return (this);"]

  parser    = new jison(grammar);

  test= "\

  data=parser.parse (test);


My current sample fails with

/node_modules/jison/node_modules/jison-lex/regexp-lexer.js:42 startConditions [conditions [K]] rules.push (I) ;.


source to share

1 answer

Unfortunately no one answered my question :)

I had to redesign Jison Lexer code to find out the correct syntax. As I suppose it might help others, here's after the answer :)

Jison lexical conditions work fine under JSON syntax, but they must be predefined in an array named "startConditions" , as in the following example.

grammar = { 
   "lex": {

       "startConditions" : { "INITIAL":"// Default initial Jison/Lex context"
            ,"MOD_EXT": "// extenstions context "
            ,"MOD_RTE": "// routes context"

        "rules" : [['[\\n\\s]+' , "/* skip whitespace & new lines */"]
            // extensions blocs
            ,[['INITIAL'], '<extensions>'     , "this.begin('MOD_EXT');"]
            ,[['MOD_EXT'], '<\\/extensions>'  , "this.popState();"]
            ,[['MOD_EXT'], '[<>\\/\\-\\s\\n]', "/* ignore */"]
            ,[['MOD_EXT'], '[0-z]+'           , "/* ignore */"]


To make life easier for everyone, here's after a simple working example.

// Sample JISON start conditions with Jason syntax
var jison    = require("jison").Parser;

grammar = { 

    "lex": {
         "macros": {  // few usefull macro
            "slash": "\\/",
            "space": "\\s+",
            "quot" : "\\\'",
            "dquot": "\\\"",
            "dot"  : "\\.",
            "digit": "[0-9]",
            "int"  : "-?([0-9]+)",
            "float": "-?([0-9]*\\.[0-9]+)",
            "hexa" : "([0-9]|(a-h)|(A-H])+"

       "startConditions" : { "INITIAL":"// Default initial Jison/Lex context"
            ,"MOD_EXT": "// extenstions context "
            ,"MOD_RTE": "// routes context"

        "rules" : [['[\\n\\s]+' , "/* skip whitespace & new lines */"]
            // extensions blocs
            ,[['INITIAL'], '<extensions>'     , "this.begin('MOD_EXT');"]
            ,[['MOD_EXT'], '<\\/extensions>'  , "this.popState();"]
            ,[['MOD_EXT'], '[<>\\/\\-\\s\\n]', "/* ignore */"]
            ,[['MOD_EXT'], '[0-z]+'           , "/* ignore */"]

            // routes points blocs
            ,[['INITIAL'],'<rtept' , "this.begin('MOD_RTE'); return 'RTE_BEG';"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], '<\\/rtept>'       , "this.popState(); return 'RTE_END';"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], 'lat='             , "return 'LAT';"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], 'lon='             , "return 'LON';"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], '{float}'          , "return 'CARD';"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], '<name>'           , "return 'NAME_BEG';"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], '<\\/name>'        , "return 'NAME_END';"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], '<time>'           , "return 'TIME_BEG';"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], '<\\/time>'        , "return 'TIME_END';"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], '<sym>'            , "return 'SYM_BEG';"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], '<\\/sym>'         , "return 'SYM_END';"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], '<type>'           , "return 'TYPE_BEG';"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], '<\\/type>'        , "return 'TYPE_END';"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], '<extensions>'     , "this.begin('MOD_EXT');"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], '([0-z]|[-+])+\\b' , "return 'TEXT';"]
            ,[['MOD_RTE'], '[>{quot}{dquot}{space}]' , "// ignore"]

            // end of parsing buffer
            ,['$'                            , "return 'EOL';"]
    },  // end Lex rules

    "bnf": { // WARNING: only one space in between TOKEN ex: "STOP EOF"
        'data': [
            ["EOL"           ,  "return ('EMPTY');"]
           ,["ROUTEPOINTS EOL", "return (this.route);"]

        // handle multiple waypoints
         // A routepoint should at least have a LAT+LONG+NAME
        ,'ROUTEPOINTS' : [ // store all waypoint in an array
            ["ROUTEPOINT", "console.log('Parsing First Waypts=%j',this.waypts);this.route=[]; this.route.push(this.waypts);"]
           ,["ROUTEPOINTS ROUTEPOINT", "console.log('Parsing Next  Waypts=%j',this.waypts);;this.route.push(this.waypts);"]


        // A routepoint should at least have a LAT+LONG+NAME
        ,'ROUTEPOINT' :  [ // <rtept lat='47.542780648' lon='-2.896743643'>...
            ["RTE_BEG LATITUDE LONGITUDE DATE NAME SYM TYPE RTE_END", "this.waypts={lat:$2,lon:$3,name:$5,date:$4};"]
           ,["RTE_BEG LATITUDE LONGITUDE DATE NAME RTE_END", "this.waypts={lat:$2,lon:$3,name:$5,date:$4};"]
           ,["RTE_BEG LATITUDE LONGITUDE NAME RTE_END", "this.waypts={lat:$2,lon:$3,name:$4,date:'unknow'};"]
        // lat='47.542780648'
        ,'LATITUDE'    : [["LAT CARD", "$$=$2;"]]          
        //  lon='-2.896743643'
        , 'LONGITUDE'  : [["LON CARD", "$$=$2;"]]
        , 'DATE'       : [["TIME_BEG TEXT TIME_END", "$$=$2;"]]
        // <name>001</name>\
        , 'NAME'       : [["NAME_BEG TEXT NAME_END", "$$=$2;"]]
        // <sym>001</name>\
        , 'SYM'        : [["SYM_BEG TEXT SYM_END", "//ignore"]]
        // <name>001</name>\
        , 'TYPE'       : [["TYPE_BEG TEXT TYPE_END", "//ignore"]]


  parser    = new jison(grammar);

  test= "\
    <rtept lat='47.542780648' lon='-2.896743643'>\
    <rtept lat='44.542780648' lon='-4.896743643'>\
    <rtept lat='43.542780648' lon='-5.896743643'>\
    <rtept lat='48.542780648' lon='-3.896743643'>\

  route=parser.parse (test);

  console.log ("\n\nMy GPX route waypoints");
  for (var waypts in route) {
      console.log (" -- name: %s  Lon: %s Lat:%s Date:%s", route [waypts].name, route [waypts].lat, route [waypts].lon, route [waypts].date);

  console.log ("done");




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