How do I remove the space before the mark in IE 6?

I know this is an old question with almost a gazillion answers, but none of them seem to be specific to IE 6. I've also tried the method suggested in this question with no great luck.

The only solution that works fine is to create div

with border

and then explicitly specify height

and width

and then specify margin:0

. But this greatly reduces the size of the checkbox.

Is there a neat way to do this with minimal overhead?


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1 answer


try it. You must write a CSS Hack for IE 6.

<style type="text/css">
    *{margin:0; padding:0; font-family:Tahoma; color:#333; font-size:12px;}
    .chk_bx{margin:-4px -3px 0 -4px !ie; vertical-align:top;}

<input type="checkbox" class="chk_bx" />Your Text




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