Heredoc in command substitution: error with unbalanced quotes or brackets (bash and zsh)

Consider the following confusing script designed to print a single quote that works for ksh


echo "$(cat <<EOF





However, when I run the same script with bash 3.2.51(1)

in OS X,

echo "$(cat <<EOF


bash reports the following errors:

./heredoc-within-cmdsubst: line 3: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
./heredoc-within-cmdsubst: line 6: syntax error: unexpected end of file


And run with zsh 5.0.2


echo "$(cat <<EOF


zsh reports the following error:

./heredoc-within-cmdsubst:6: unmatched "


Similar errors occur when a single quote is replaced with a double quote or parenthesis. If I balance the single quote / double quote / brackets with the matching single quote / double quote / parenthesis, then the script works fine with both bash and zsh.

Is this problem just a bug (respective versions) of bash and zsh, or are there any syntax rules here?


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1 answer

I would consider this to be a parsing error until the developers say otherwise. The code works in dash

as-is and there is a similar closed-quote error in this questionzsh


UPDATE: This is actually fixed in bash

4.1; I only checked in zsh

5.0.2 (latest version 5.0.6).



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