How do I return the original value from any in Swift?

I am facing a serious problem. This is understandable as far as I know.

    let a1:Int?     =   11223344
    let a2:Any      =   a1
    let a3:Int?     =   a2 as? Int


    // result: nil


Why is this happening with Any

? How do I get the original value back from Any


I am using Xcode 6.0.1.


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1 answer

You declared a1

as Optional

, which is a type enum

, and then assign the optional (enum) value a2

. Note that the enumeration is not Int

, so attempting to dynamically migrate a2

to Int

using as?

fails. As a result, it is a3

set to nil


To fix this, you can explicitly expand the optional value, for example:

    let a2:Any =  a1!




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