Distributing Windows OpenJDK

Does anyone know about the OpenJDK distribution for Windows? Specifically, I am looking for JDK 8 32 bit. I found a 64 bit distribution: http://www.azulsystems.com/products/zulu

but I really need 32 bits.


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2 answers

MonkBen and others:

Thanks for highlighting the Zulu OpenJDK suggestion. You are correct that Azul only has 64 bit JDK 8, 7 and 6 OpenJDK distributions available today for Intel platforms. Support for 32-bit JDKs remains an open community request.

Read this thread in the Zulu section for more details on 32-bit support https://support.azulsystems.com/hc/communities/public/questions/200914964-Regarding-32-bit-JDK-JRE-buildds-of-OpenJDk Under the guidance there, you can join the Zulu forum and add your specific platform requests to this thread. We are incorporating community requests into our roadmaps and planning for release, so the more votes for specific versions, platforms and use cases, the better our planning.


Matt Schuetz

Disclaimer: I work for Azul Systems and am the product manager for the Zulu family of products.



You can try to build 32-bit OpenJDK for Windows yourself, here is the link you can get help from: http://openjdk.java.net/groups/build/

and https://github.com/alexkasko/openjdk-unofficial-builds



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