Unwind Segues not working on Xcode 6

I just downloaded Xcode 6.0.1 and I tried to run my application in the simulator. All my junctions are down. All my code is in Objective-C, I don't have ANY speed. Segs worked great before I updated Xcode.

Am I the only one who has this problem?


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3 answers

UPDATE: Fixed with iOS 8.1.x release

After using this experience many times, my experience is that only view controllers presented modally affect this issue. The job in this case is to set the segue presentation to Current Context

instead Default


Credit to this SO poster </ questions / 85438 / unwind-segue-not-working-in-ios-8/559282 # 559282



This was a bug affecting iOS 8.0 (both .1 and .2). The presented view controllers modally did not unbind segues - no unwinding method was called.

This issue seems to be completely resolved with the iOS 8.1 beta. Note that iOS 8 does not automatically reject the view manager that is displayed in models, while on iOS 7 it does, so if you need to support both what you want, determine if it will be rejected in the unwind method, and if it won't be manual ,.



It worked for me!

So, in my case, I had a view controller exposed modally, and when I scroll down the unwind button to the button, the prepareForSegue method was never called and the unwind method in the root controller never called any.

Change the current context and everything works. Thanks to



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