Unraveling Subqueries

I have a rather complex query that returns one row, and I would like to expand it to return multiple rows, one for each region. Right now, I can use the following query to get statistics for one region at a time (in the example, in the West region):

SELECT Count(id)       totalcustomers,
       Sum(ordertotal) totaldollars
        FROM   customers c
               JOIN customeraddresses ca
                 ON c.id = ca.customerid
        WHERE  ca.state IN (SELECT state
                            FROM   stateregions
                            WHERE  region = "West")
        GROUP  BY c.id) t  


I would like to get a pivot table for all regions at once: the first column should have the names of the regions, and then the other columns should have the summary statistics as they already do.

A working example is available at http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/297e86/5

In case something goes wrong with the SQLFiddle, here is the data structure:

CREATE TABLE customers
     id INT, 
     ordertotal INT,
     PRIMARY KEY (id)

INSERT INTO customers
(id, ordertotal)
(1, 100),
(2, 250),
(3, 120);

CREATE TABLE customeraddresses (
  customerid INT,
  state char(2),
  PRIMARY KEY (customerid,state)

INSERT INTO customeraddresses
(customerid, state)
(1, 'ca'),
(2, 'ny'),
(3, 'ny'),
(3, 'ca');

CREATE TABLE stateregions (
  region varchar(20),
  state char(2),
  PRIMARY KEY (region,state)

INSERT INTO stateregions
(region, state)
('West', 'ca'),
('East', 'ny');


Obviously, the structure and meanings have been greatly simplified for this example, so please ask if something is not clear. Thank!


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3 answers

You just need JOIN

in the table stateregions

and then the GROUP BY


  SELECT region, count(id) totalcustomers,sum(ordertotal) totaldollars
  FROM customers c 
    JOIN customeraddresses ca ON c.id = ca.customerid
    JOIN stateregions s on ca.state = s.state
  GROUP BY s.region


This will return you one line per region:

East    2               370
West    2               220


Instead of potential duplicates, the c subquery distinct

should work for you:

SELECT region, COUNT(id), SUM(ordertotal)
  SELECT DISTINCT c.id, c.ordertotal, s.region
  FROM customers c 
      JOIN customeraddresses ca ON c.id = ca.customerid
      JOIN stateregions s on ca.state = s.state
  ) t
GROUP BY region



All     3               470
East    2               370
West    2               220




turn each subquery into an inner join

SELECT Count(id)       totalcustomers,
       Sum(ordertotal) totaldollars
        FROM   customers c
               JOIN customeraddresses ca
                 ON c.id = ca.customerid
 inner join stateregions sr on sr.state = ca.state


where sr.region = "WEST"



You have a problem because customers have multiple addresses. Consequently, they can be in several regions. The following approach picks for an arbitrary area for each client:

    SELECT car.region, count(id) as totalcustomers,
           sum(ordertotal) as totaldolalrs
    FROM customers c JOIN
         (select ca.customerid, max(region) as region
          from customeraddresses ca join
               stateregions sr
                on sr.state = ca.state
          group by ca.customerid
         ) car
         ON c.id = car.customerid
    GROUP BY car.region ;


A more sophisticated approach is to assign clients to all the regions they belong to and then either feed them or double them. The following options are listed below:

    SELECT car.region, count(id) as totalcustomers,
           sum(ordertotal) as totaldolalrs
    FROM customers c JOIN
         (select ca.customerid, max(region) as region
          from customeraddresses ca join
               stateregions sr
                on sr.state = ca.state
         ) car

         ON c.id = car.customerid
    GROUP BY car.region ;


These queries are in this SQL Fiddle.



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