Swift countElements () with array


Can I call countElements()

with Array

in my setup?

Problem details


works great with String

. However, I cannot figure out how to distinguish thing

from Array

and thus not invoke countElements()


Please note that the method signature must be func myCount(thing: Any?) -> Int

as it should be used in my open source project .

func myCount(thing: Any?) -> Int {
    if thing == nil {
        return -1
    if let x = thing as? String {
        return countElements(x)
    if let y = thing as? Array<Any> {
        return countElements(y)    // this if is never taken
    return -1

myCount(nil)        // -1
myCount("hello")    // 5
myCount([1, 2, 3])  // BOOM, returns -1, I'm expecting 3 returned



source to share

1 answer

This works for me. It feels a little hacked but tossed back and forth.

func myCount(thing: Any?) -> Int {
    if thing == nil {
        return -1
    if let x = thing as? String {
        return countElements(x)
    if let y = thing as? NSArray {
        return countElements(y as Array)
    return -1




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