Nopcommerce 3.40 error 403

If I compile and deploy nopCommerce 3.40 it works great on my website and takes me directly to install.

If I install nopCommerce on my localhost and attach it to the local database then compile and deploy I get 403.

I want to make changes to the source code. So I need to install so I can see the changes and debug them before deploying. Do I need to reset some ways? I'm not sure what to do.

I follow the deployment instructions in all cases. Rebuild and deploy in release mode. On a side note. I am using VS2013 and if I deploy to Release - Any Cpu I get errors. I can only post successfully to: Release - x86

EDIT: Ok, I only get errors in Release mode: as shown below enter image description here

EDIT 2: I read something on another forum. It looks like I need to unlock these files. I'm not sure how to do this in Windows Explorer by properties on win8.1.

EDIT 3: Okay. Never mind unlocking. When I create release mode, I get more errors. VStudio looks for a bunch of DLL files in the release folders. DLL files are not in the folder. Not sure if I should put them in them or not.


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1 answer

Try cleaning and then rebuilding the whole solution in VS



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