Use single quote in string validation

I have the following program:

args = ["a", "b"]
cmd_args ={|x| x.inspect}
str =  cmd_args.join(' ')
puts str



"a" "b"


I expect the result to look like this (the substring is quoted with '

instead of "


'a' 'b'


I don't want to do gsub

after the string inspect

because on my real system a substring might contain "

. For example:

args = ['a"c', "b"]
cmd_args ={|x| x.inspect.gsub('"', '\'')}
str =  cmd_args.join(' ')
puts str


will output:

'a\'c' 'b'



between a and c is erroneously replaced. My expected output:

'a"c' 'b'


How can I do string validation for quoting strings using '

instead "



source to share

2 answers

s = 'a"c'.inspect
s[0] = s[-1] = "'"
puts s.gsub("\\\"", "\"") #=> 'a"c'




You cannot force the String#inspect

use of a single quote without rewriting or rewriting.

Instead, x.inspect

you can replace "'#{x}'"

, but then you will need to make sure that you avoid any characters '

that appear in x


Here it works:

args = ["a", "b"]
cmd_args ={|x| "'#{x}'" }
str =  cmd_args.join(' ')
puts str



'a' 'b'




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