Kendo UI Calendar Multiselection
Update 08.2016
You can use my plugin to select multiple dates.
Old answer
There is no official way to select multiple dates in a DatePicker yet. However, with jQuery, you can achieve this functionality.
<td style="vertical-align: initial; padding-right: 100px;">
<input id="picker" />
<div id="calendar"></div>
.k-state-selected {
background-color: transparent;
border-color: transparent;
background-image: none;
td.k-state-focused.k-state-selected {
box-shadow: none;
.k-state-selected > .k-link {
color: black;
.selected {
background-color: #F35800;
border-color: #F85A00;
background-image: none, linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 0px, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);
.selected > .k-link {
color: #FFF;
$(function() {
var day = 86400000;
var today = new Date();
//time is set to midnight for correct comparison with values from calendar
today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
//data source
var selectedDates = [
today.getTime() - day,
today.getTime() + day
//DatePicker with multiselection
initPicker($('#picker').kendoDatePicker(), selectedDates);
//Calendar with multiselection
//initCalendar($("#calendar").kendoCalendar(), selectedDates.slice());
function initPicker(picker, selectedDates) {
var isInit = false;
var kendoPicker ='kendoDatePicker');
kendoPicker.bind('open', function() {
if (!isInit) {
//assuming that corresponding calendar widget has id 'picker_dateview'
var calendar = $('#' + picker.attr('id') + '_dateview > .k-calendar');
initCalendar(calendar, selectedDates, function() {
updatePicker(picker, selectedDates);
isInit = true;
picker.on('input change blur', function() {
updatePicker(picker, selectedDates);
updatePicker(picker, selectedDates);
function initCalendar(calendar, selectedDates, onUpdate) {
var kendoCalendar ='kendoCalendar');
kendoCalendar.bind('navigate', function() {
setTimeout(function() {
updateCalendar(calendar, selectedDates);
}, 0);
updateCalendar(calendar, selectedDates);
calendar.on('click', function(event) {
var cell = $('td');
var isClickedOnDayCell = cell.length !== 0 && isDayCell(cell);
if (isClickedOnDayCell) {
var date = dateFromCell(cell).getTime();
var isDateAlreadySelected = selectedDates.some(function(selected) {
return selected === date;
if (isDateAlreadySelected) {
selectedDates.splice(selectedDates.indexOf(date), 1);
} else {
updateCell(cell, selectedDates);
if (onUpdate !== undefined) {
function updatePicker(picker, selectedDates) {
var datesString = selectedDates.sort().reduce(function(acc, selected, index) {
var date = new Date(selected);
var formattedDate = (date.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + date.getDate() + '/' + date.getFullYear();
return acc + formattedDate + (index === (selectedDates.length - 1) ? '' : ', ');
}, '');
function updateCalendar(calendar, selectedDates) {
calendar.find('td > a').parent().each(function(i, item) {
var cell = $(item);
if (isDayCell(cell)) {
updateCell(cell, selectedDates);
function updateCell(cell, selectedDates) {
var isCellSelected = selectedDates.some(function(selected) {
return selected === dateFromCell(cell).getTime();
if (isCellSelected) {
} else {
function isDayCell(cell) {
return /^\d{1,2}$/.test(cell.find('a').text());
function dateFromCell(cell) {
return new Date(convertDataValue(cell.find('a').attr('data-value')));
//convert from 'YYYY/MM/DD', where MM = 0..11
function convertDataValue(date) {
var regex = /\/(\d+)\//;
var month = +date.match(regex)[1] + 1;
return date.replace(regex, '/' + month + '/');
Live example:
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I'm not sure, but since I know that multiple selection behavior is not currently supported as a date picker calendar can only have one date as the selected value. but if you really need this setting you can tweak it
and add a generic image to the range (like underline) and give the date a loop. In the calendar, you can change the background color.
this is some sample code you can try:
And if you like that this option will be available, please vote for it soon:
(i'm newbie so i can't put many links)
Hope this help! Good luck.
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