How to Change Team Name from Apple Development Team

The best thing,

I have an Apple account as an "Apple Developer". I want to change the command name that is visible in Xcode. To go to teamname: Xcode> Targets (application name)> General> Identity> "Team". Here, when I select a team, I see a name that is not my name.

  • How can I change the name shown here?

  • Is this name used elsewhere?


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2 answers

From :

To update the Apple ID and / or email address associated with your account, click My Apple ID, click Manage Account, and sign in with your current Apple ID and password.

To update your address, contact information or organization name, please contact us. Please note that certain updates, such as changes to your name or address, must be reviewed and approved as this information is related to contracts between you and Apple. You will be prompted to provide documentation that reflects the changes you are requesting.



This is not a solution to the problem, it is the name "HR Team" in Xcode, not the username ...



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