Updating mongo collection using mongoose findOneAndUpdate

I have the following diagram and insert works fine

    "uid" : "541a5edaef7b20086c2c9ea0",
    "_id" : ObjectId("541a6bca735a20060c593813"),
    "exams" : [ 
            "start_time" : "2014-09-18T05:21:14.219Z",
            "status" : "passed",
            "chapter_id" : ObjectId("54194290022f6d830f255f2e")
            "start_time" : "2014-09-18T05:26:14.219Z",
            "status" : "attending",
            "chapter_id" : ObjectId("54194290022f6d830f255f2f")
    "__v" : 0


How to update the second item in an exam so that the result is

        "uid" : "541a5edaef7b20086c2c9ea0",
        "_id" : ObjectId("541a6bca735a20060c593813"),
        "exams" : [ 
                "start_time" : "2014-09-18T05:21:14.219Z",
                "status" : "passed",
                "chapter_id" : ObjectId("54194290022f6d830f255f2e")
                "start_time" : "2014-09-18T05:26:14.219Z",
                **"status" : "failed",**
                "chapter_id" : ObjectId("54194290022f6d830f255f2f")
        "__v" : 0


My model is defined like this

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var examSchema = new Schema({
  uid: String,
  exams: []
module.exports = mongoose.model('Exam',examSchema);


I tried this update request but gets an error like

Exam.findOneAndUpdate({ _id:uid, exams.chapter_id: chapterId }, { exams.status:'passed})
SyntaxError: Unexpected token 




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2 answers

Found a way. Since my subdoc filed "chapter_id" this is the ObjectIDID of the MongoDB object, we need to pass something like

var ObjectId = require('mongoose').Types.ObjectId;
Exam.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: id, exams:{$elemMatch:{'chapter_id': new ObjectId(chapterId)}}}, { 'exams.$.status' : passStatus }, function(err,doc) {


Thanks John Grinall



I think you need to enclose exams.chapter_id in quotes:





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