Reading a property of a concrete class in a generic method that does not get an instance of the generic type

Suppose I have a generic method that is made generic just to return the correct type, so upstream callers don't need to return return values.

public T Add<T>(string name, string details, ...)
    where T: BaseClass
    // somehow get correct ObjectType
    ObjectType type = ??????;
    T result = Repo.Add<T>(type, name, details, ...);
    return result;



The problem with this generic method is that I am not getting an instance of a specific class represented with a generic type. This means that the callers of this method must explicitly provide a generic type, since type inference cannot be performed.

public abstract class BaseClass
    public abstract ObjectType ActualType { get; }



Implemented child classes define this property as a constant constant

public class ConcreteClass: BaseClass
    public override ObjectType ActualType
        get { return ObjectType.SomeType; }




Based on a call to a common method

var result = Add<ConcreteClass>("title", "details");


how can i get the value ActualType

in my method Add<T>

? I also tried to add a new()

generic type constraint , but that won't compile as mine is BaseClass

abstract, so I can't call

new T();


in my method to get this value ActualType



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1 answer

You need to apply constraint new()

to your method Add

like this:

public T Add<T>(string name, string details)
    where T: BaseClass, new()
    T result = new T();
    return result;

public abstract class BaseClass { /* snip */ }

public class ConcreteClass: BaseClass { /* snip */ }


This means this code will work:

var thing = Add<ConcreteClass>("Fred", "Lives in France");


According to the MSDN documentation in the new constraint :

The new constraint specifies that any type argument in a generic class declaration must have a public, parameterless constructor. Use a new constraint, the type cannot be abstract .

This refers to the type passed in, not another constraint in your method.



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