Using multiple conditions in BeautifulSoup

We use these code search tags containing the text "Fiscal"



How to place multiple conditions here.

Let's use tags containing "Fiscal" and "year".

Or tags containing "Fiscal" and NOT "year"


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2 answers

If you see that the criteria are different and they can get more complex, you can use the function as a filter, for example:

Let's use tags containing "Fiscal" and "year".

t = soup.find(class_="label", text=lambda s: "Fiscal" in s and "year" in s)


Or tags containing "Fiscal" and NOT "year"

t = soup.find(class_="label", text=lambda s: "Fiscal" in s and "year" not in s)


You can also use regex here, but it might be less readable.



You can pass the text as a list (this site is an example from my previous answer :))

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

res = requests.get('')
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text)

elements = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'lfloat'}, text=re.compile(r'(14|4)')) # | means 'or'

print elements 


prints [<div class="lfloat">(14)</div>, <div class="lfloat">(4)</div>, <div class="lfloat">(45)</div>]

So you can use: soup.find_all(class_="label",text=re.compile(r'(Fiscal|yeah)))

in your case

To find an exact match, you can pass text

as a list:soup.find_all(class_="label",text=['Fiscal', 'yeah'])

The "find fiscal and NOT yes" logics can be covered with this: soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'lfloat'}, text=re.compile(r'(Fiscal|[^yeah])'))

(not sure here)



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