How to make git ignore ignored in .gitignore

I have a Git repository that contains a file .gitignore

that lists several files (which are generated during build) to be ignored.

$ cat .gitignore
$ ls
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean
$ touch foo
$ ls
bar foo
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean


In a specific clone of this repository, I want to see the files listed in .gitignore


This can be done with the option --ignored

before git status


$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean
$ git status --ignored
On branch master
Ignored files:
  (use "git add -f <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing to commit, working directory clean


Nice. My question is, how can I make this persistent for a given repository , so that I don't have to remember to add the flag --ignored


$ git status
On branch master
Ignored files:
  (use "git add -f <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing to commit, working directory clean


I'm sure there is some git config

duration that allows me to configure my clone to ignore the content .gitignore


Also, I don't want to have this option for all repositories; only for a select few.


source to share

3 answers

none of the suggested solutions did what I really wanted.

however, @Jubobs' suggestion for a wrapper function finally gave me an idea of ​​how to actually do it.


  • mark a given repository for change, preferably using the git way. this can be accomplished with git config

    and some custom variable

  • Why stop adding a single option ( --ignored

    ) to a single command ( status

    )? it would be nice if we could pass default arguments for each git command,


so I got the following small snippet to be sent on startup:

git() {
  local GIT=$(which git)
  case "x$1" in
      ${GIT} "$@"
      ${GIT} $1 $(${GIT} config --get $1.options) "${@:2}"


so in my custom repository I just do:

$ git config --add status.options "--ignored"


after that, running the following command on that repo will show me even the ignored files, while the other repos will behave as usual.

$ git status



  • you can add your personal options to any git command by creating a config option named ${cmd}.options

    . for example if you prefer to decorate your output git log

    , just do:

    $ git config log.options "--decorate"

  • The script excludes the subcommand config

    for security reasons. this should prevent knee shooting with something like:

    $ git config add config.options --fuzz

  • finally, it uses some bashisms (namely ${@:2}

    ) to allow arguments containing spaces; if your shell is not bash

    , take care ...



What you need to do is create an alias (name it istatus

) for the command $ git status


$  git istatus
On branch master
Ignored files:
  (use "git add -f <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing to commit, working directory clean


How to do this described here and even there a similar question on SO .

TL; DR: Basically you just need to add lines to ~ / .gitconfig:

    istatus = status --ignored




Impossible (yet)

Git (at least v2.1 and older) doesn't allow you to configure git status

to ignore files by default.

What Git allows you to do, however, changes the behavior git status

with respect to the raw file with status.showUntrackedFiles


Perhaps a future version of Git will have an option " status.showIgnoredFiles

" ...

So what can you do?

1 - Define the alias locally

The obvious and probably best would be, as suggested by Kleskowy in the answer, to define a local alias in your repository:

git config alias.istatus "status --ignored"


Then running git istatus

instead git status

on the repository in question will also result in a list of ignored files.

2 - Define a little wrap around git

Caveat . The following approach is applied at the user level, not at the repository level.

Alternatively, if you don't mind having a little wrapper around git

, you can define the following, which automatically uses the flag --ignored

at startup git status


git() {
    if [[ ($1 == "status") ]]; then
        command git status --ignored "${@:2}";
        command git "$@";


Put these lines in your file .<shell>rc

and send it last.

Here is the test result (in bash

) of this wrapper in one of my repositories:

enter image description here

Note that ignored files also appear in the list, although the flag is --ignored

not explicitly used.


If someone can't think of a better approach, what you are asking is essentially a feature request for Git; so I'm not sure if your question is the case here ...



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