Can you safely check the infinity sign?

We've used Visual Studio's _fpclass in the past to figure out if infinity was positive or negative:

Moving on to std :: fpclassify, there is no difference between positive and negative infinite:

Is it safe to check the infinity sign with one of the methods here?
Is there a standard sign function (signum, sgn) in C / C ++?


Note 2:

  • C ++ 11 is applicable

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3 answers

To test only the sign of an infinite value (as stated in the stream header) this code should be sufficient:

template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity, bool>::type Signed(T const& Value)
    return Value == -std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();


Edit: If you have access to a ready-made C ++ 11 compiler, there is also a function provided by the standard library called std::signbit

in the header <cmath>

. It works for every fundamental floating point type and for every value type (also infinite and even NaN) and therefore should be a more general solution.



You don't really need special functions for defining infinities and NaNs:

double x = ...;
bool is_nan = x != x;
bool is_finite = !is_nan && x != 2 * x;
bool is_negative = !is_nan && x < 0;




The following will check the sign of something:

bool is_positive = std::to_string(x)[0] != '-';




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