Getting the result of aggregate functions in Esqueleto

Let's say I have the following model:

    stackOverflowUser Bool
    age Int Maybe


Using Esqueleto (& Yesod), let's say I want to get the average age of the users. I would like to make a function with a type signature:

userAge :: Handler (Maybe Int)


So far I have the following:

userAge :: Handler [Value (Maybe Int)]
userAge = runDB $
    select $
    from $ \person -> do
    where_ (person ^. PersonStackOverflowUser ==. val True)
    return joinV $ avg_ (person ^. PersonAge)


This gets me [Value (Maybe Int)], but I need to go to "Maybe Int". I tried doing

mapM_ unValue userAge


But somehow it caused a type error, giving me [Maybe ()] and not [Maybe Int] ... Also, I think the last line in the above code should have:

person ?. PersonAge


but not

person ^. PersonAge


as PersonAge can be NULL, but changing it gives me a type error:

avg_ :: (PersistField a, PersistField b) => expr (Value a) -> expr (Value (Maybe b))
(^.) :: (PersistEntity val, PersistField typ) => expr (Entity val) -> EntityField val typ -> expr (Value typ)
(?.) :: (PersistEntity val, PersistField typ) => expr (Maybe (Entity val)) -> EntityField val typ -> expr (Value (Maybe typ))


This is probably easier than what I am doing, but I cannot find examples anywhere on the internet to use aggregated functions in Esqueleto and I am fairly new to Haskell so I have a hard time figuring it out.

I suppose I could just use raw SQL, but if possible I would like to do it with Esqueleto.


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1 answer

Got! Finally, wrapping around type errors and came up with the following:

import Safe (headMay)
import Control.Monad (join)
import Database.Esqueleto
-- other misc Yesod imports

userAge :: Handler (Maybe Int)
userAge = do
    a <- runDB $ select $
                 from $ \person -> do
                 where_ (person ^. PersonStackOverflowUser ==. val True)
                 return $ joinV $ avg_ (person ^. PersonAge)
    return $ join (headMay (map unValue a))


"Person ^ PersonAge" does not cause any problems; I tested it with null and non-null values. I suppose that "?". the operator is reserved for other situations.

Hope this saves someone else some time figuring this out!



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