Grunt: SASS creates an unwanted .map file

I have a grunt to compile SASS to CSS successfully. The problem I'm running into is creating a file in the CSS directory called .

I tried to write sourceMap: false , which I found as a solution for setting LESS in the options section, while it doesn't matter.

sass: {
  build: {
    options: {
      compress: false,
      sourceMap: false
    files: [{
      expand: true,
      cwd: 'sass/',
      src: ['*.scss'],
      dest: 'css/',
      ext: '.css'


Do I need to declare something else or is there a dependency that can stop the .map file?


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1 answer

You need to write like this:

options: {
    compress: false,
    sourcemap: 'none'


Here's a link for further clarification.

Hope it helps.



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