Auto increment value in each cycle
In code:
<% @offers.each do |offer|%>
<%= offer.percentageOff%> <b>% OFF on order of</b>
<%= image_tag('1407951522',:size=>'10x10',:alt=>'Rs.')%>
<%= offer.amountforDiscount%>
<%= button_to 'Delete',{:action=>'destroy',:id=>},class: "" %>
<% end %>
I am new to rails. I want to show all sentences in a numbered list, I cannot use the database table because it is id
not ok. For example:
30% OFF on orders of Rs. 2000
13% OFF on orders of Rs. 1000
How can I achieve this?
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1 answer
The easiest way, if you don't want to use each_with_index
, then you can define a variable @count=0
and display, since the loop will increment by 1
<% @count = 0 %>
<% @offers.each do |offer|%>
<%= @count += 1 %> #I guess you want this to show Sr.No
...... # your code
<% end %>
each_with_index way:
<% @offers.each_with_index do |offer, index|%>
<%= index + 1 %> # index starts from 0, so added 1 to start numbering from 1
...... # your code
<% end %>
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