Mockito throws NullpointerException when using mock

I am trying to create test cases for a web service, but I am getting a nullpointer exception. This is a web service:

public class FriendWebService {

private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FriendWebService.class);

private FriendRequestServiceInterface friendRequestService;

public String createFriendRequest(
        @Context HttpServletRequest request) {"createFriendRequest called");

    String result = "false";
    User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute("user");
    User otherUser = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute("profileuser");
    if ((user != null) && (otherUser != null)) {"Got two users from session, creating friend request.");
        if (friendRequestService.createFriendRequest(user, otherUser)) {
            result = "true";
    return result;



This is my test class:

public class FriendWebServiceTest {
FriendRequestServiceInterface FriendRequestService;
Logger mockedLogger = mock(Logger.class);
HttpServletRequest mockedRequest = mock(HttpServletRequest.class);
HttpSession mockedSession = mock(HttpSession.class);
User mockedUser = mock(User.class);
User mockedOtherUser = mock(User.class);
FriendWebService friendWebService = new FriendWebService();

public void setUp() throws Exception {


public void testCreateFriendRequest() throws Exception {
    when(FriendRequestService.createFriendRequest(mockedUser, mockedOtherUser)).thenReturn(true);
    assertTrue(friendWebService.createFriendRequest(mockedRequest) == "true");


NullPointerException occurs when "when (FriendRequestService.createFriendRequest (mockedUser, mockedOtherUser)). ThenReturn (true);"

What am I doing wrong?


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1 answer

You are invoking invocation method calls on your mocked instance:

HttpServletRequest mockedRequest = mock(HttpServletRequest.class);


First of all, you don't need to do both, either use annotation @Mock

or method mock

. This way you first assign a Mock and then replace that instance with a different mock. I recommend annotation as it adds some context to the layout, like the field name. This may have already called yours NullPointerException

, since you never activate annotations by calling:



since you are therefore not mocking all instances with both measures. However, even this will cause your exception to be thrown further, so let's move forward.

Internally, friendWebService.createFriendRequest(mockedRequest)

you call:

User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute("user");
User otherUser = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute("profileuser");


where you are calling a method on two mocks for which you have not specified any behavior. These mocks then default return null

. You need to specify behavior for this, for example:



before making this chained call. Based on this, you can specify how to respond to calls on this mocked instance, such as returning custom mocks.



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