How do I create a Postgres database in Perl?

How do I create a Postgres database with Perl? This is not documented in the Postgres Perl DBI driver DBD::Pg

(or almost elsewhere). I need to create a database from scratch from my program, instead of using psql or pgAdmin to create the database.


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1 answer

The trick is using the postgres database, which you are likely to have when installing Postgres (if you don't have a postgres database, you probably know why). If you are connecting as user "postgres" to the postgres database, you can then run the create database SQL command , for example:

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=postgres", "postgres");
$dbh->do('create database "Scratch-School"');


(You can also look at creating a postgreSQL database programmatically , which covers this issue at a higher level.)



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