Persistently write to file from Windows kernel driver

Hi I'm new to kernel level programming and am trying to create a simple log writer driver. I am trying to get the persistent driver to write the selected text at every predefined interval to a file in the system path. (I'm not familiar with IRQ connection yet)

I have the following global values ​​for time

// Timer 
PKTIMER pTimer = NULL; // Pointer to the timer
PKDPC pDpcObject = NULL; // Pointer to the DPC
#define IDLE_INTERVAL (10000)


I am calling the following code in DriverEntry (However, the problem with the following code is that its write function is not working when the computer restarts) Can anyone suggest a fix? Should it be called by the main IRQ?


        if (pTimer == NULL) // if timer object does not exist:
            // Allocate memory for the object timer
            pTimer = (PKTIMER) ExAllocatePool (NonPagedPool, sizeof (KTIMER));
            KeInitializeTimer (pTimer); // Initialize the timer object
            // Allocate memory for the DPC object and initialize it
            pDpcObject = (PKDPC) ExAllocatePool (NonPagedPool, sizeof (KDPC));
            KeInitializeDpc (pDpcObject, MyDeferredRoutine, pTimer);

        LARGE_INTEGER dueTime;
        dueTime.QuadPart = -10000 * IDLE_INTERVAL; // 10000 * 10000 * 1 ns
        // "Platoon" timer:
        KeSetTimerEx (pTimer,
                dueTime, // latency relative interval
                (IDLE_INTERVAL / 2), // period of 5 seconds, i.e. 5000 * 1 ms

            if (KeReadStateTimer (pTimer))
                //DbgPrint ("- Example- KeReadStateTimer returns TRUE.");
            //  DbgPrint ("- Example- KeReadStateTimer returns FALSE.");
        Status = KeWaitForSingleObject (pTimer,
                       Executive, // IN KWAIT_REASON WaitReason,
                       KernelMode, // IN KPROCESSOR_MODE WaitMode,
                       FALSE, // IN BOOLEAN Alertable,
                       NULL); // IN PLARGE_INTEGER Timeout OPTIONAL

    RtlInitUnicodeString(&TestName, L"\\??\\C:\\log.txt");

    InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjAttr, &TestName,
                                0, NULL);

    Status = NtCreateFile(&TestFile,
                         FILE_WRITE_DATA + SYNCHRONIZE,
                         &IoStatus, NULL,
                         NULL, 0);
  if(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS)
      Status = NtWriteFile(TestFile,
                            0, NULL, NULL,
                            (PCHAR)"OUR LOG STORED TO LOG FILE",
                            NULL, NULL);



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