How do I know where a task came from in gradle?

I have a complex gradle build system that I inherited. It works very well, but includes several plugins (java, groovy, antlr, jacoco, jetty, etc.). I couldn't figure out how to achieve something, so I ran "./gradlew tasks -all". It turns out that a "generated" task was executed (it re-generated the antlr based code). Great, but it took a long time and I had no idea.

Where did this task generation come from? What gradle command can I use to figure out where this task comes from? There were custom antlr tasks that have "dependOn" generate, so I think it comes from the antlr plugin, but it's hard to tell.


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1 answer

It is currently not possible to find all tasks for a given plugin, nor can you specify a plugin for a given task. Please see the docs - there is no connection between the task and the plugin.

You can try the following piece of code (it might be error prone):

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier

project.plugins.each { p ->
    println "Plugin: ${p.getClass().name} "
    p.getClass().declaredFields.findAll { 
        Modifier.isStatic(it.getModifiers()) &&'_TASK_NAME') &&
    }.each {
        println " -> ${it.get(p)}"
    println '\n'




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