Several configurations for the task in my build.gradle

I am using this awesome Gradle plugin to compile my iOS project.

As per the documentation, my build.gradle looks like this:

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
  dependencies {
    classpath group: 'org.openbakery', name: 'xcodePlugin', version: '0.9.+'
apply plugin: 'xcode'

task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
  gradleVersion = '1.12'

xcodebuild {
  workspace = 'WORKSPACE'
  sdk = 'iphoneos'
  target = 'TARGET'

  signing {
    mobileProvisionURI = 'URI'
    certificateURI = 'URI'
    certificatePassword = 'PASSWORD'
  scheme = 'SCHEME'
  configuration = 'CONFIGURATION'


How can I manage multiple configurations for my xcodebuild task? I would like something like

xcodebuild-staging {
      workspace = 'STAGING_WORKSPACE'
      sdk = 'iphoneos'
      target = 'STAGING_TARGET'

      signing {
        mobileProvisionURI = 'URI'
        certificateURI = 'URI'
        certificatePassword = 'STAGING_PASSWORD'
      scheme = 'STAGING_SCHEME'
      configuration = 'STAGING_CONFIGURATION'

xcodebuild-production {
      workspace = 'PRODUCTION_WORKSPACE'
      sdk = 'iphoneos'
      target = 'PRODUCTION_TARGET'

      signing {
        mobileProvisionURI = 'PRODUCTION_URI'
        certificateURI = 'PRODUCTION_URI'
        certificatePassword = 'PRODUCTION_PASSWORD'
      scheme = 'PRODUCTION_SCHEME'
      configuration = 'PRODUCTION_CONFIGURATION'


I tried several things: create a new task that calls xcodebuild.execute () or extends xcodebuild. None of them worked the way I wanted. I ran out of different build.gradle files ...

Do you know how to do it?


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2 answers

After a quick exploration of the source, it seems like you don't need to (and it seems a little odd - such a plugin should allow the user to create multiple schemas). I suggest you contact the author.



It's possible! Have you tried adding the issue type as a property? something like...

task xcodebuild-staging (type: org.openbakery.XcodeBuildTask) {
  workspace = 'STAGING_WORKSPACE'
  sdk = 'iphoneos'
  target = 'STAGING_TARGET'

  signing {
    mobileProvisionURI = 'URI'
    certificateURI = 'URI'
    certificatePassword = 'STAGING_PASSWORD'
  scheme = 'STAGING_SCHEME'
  configuration = 'STAGING_CONFIGURATION'

task xcodebuild-production (type: org.openbakery.XcodeBuildTask){
  sdk = 'iphoneos'

  signing {
    mobileProvisionURI = 'PRODUCTION_URI'
    certificateURI = 'PRODUCTION_URI'
    certificatePassword = 'PRODUCTION_PASSWORD'


It depends on how the plugin is written, but you can override tasks like this if the significant configuration provided by the plugin does not exist. I found that plugins can also be extended, but this is more complicated.



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