How to view backone versionone item using url?

Is there a way to share the backlog url with team members so that when the url is clicked, it will be taken directly to the backlog element?



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2 answers

VersionOne has a permalink endpoint that can be used for this.

For example, if you know the resource ID:



Or this if you know the asset number:



Both of these will resolve the correct resource detail page.



If you go to your VersionOne portfolio, hover your mouse over the backlog item ID you want to split. You will see the URL for this work item at the bottom of your browser. Right click on the id you are on and select "Copy link location"

If your backlog item is history, you will see that it looks like


CAVEAT: Two conditions must be met for your team member to view this work item.

1) The recipient of the link must be an active member in the same VersionOne instance you are in.

2) The recipient of the link must have access to the area (project) that contains the work item you are trying to provide.



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