Using Python to Create a Regular Triangle

I am confused and frustrated as to why my program is not doing the way it should. I am trying to create a right triangle using asterisks in python ver 3. I am using the exact code from the tutorial and it comes out as a straight line. Please enlighten me.


size = 7

for row in range (size):
    for col in range (row + 1):
        print('*', end='')


leads to



all in one column


source to share

3 answers

In Python, indents are counted. The final one print

should be aligned with the second for


size = 7

for row in range (size):
    for col in range (row + 1):
        print('*', end='')





An empty print

function effectively means "go to new line". if both statements print

are executed with the same indentation level, then every time you type an asterisk, you go to the next line. If the second print

goes outside the inner loop for

, you only get 7 new lines.



alternatively you can use one loop for


>>> s=''
>>> for i in range(7):
...  s+='*'
...  print (s)




This may not be the most readable solution, but if you fancy oneliners, this is one way to do it:

print "\n".join(["".join(["*" for col in range(row+1)]) for row in range(7)])



Just to make it even shorter:

print "\n".join(["*" * (row+1) for row in range(7)])




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