Updated to Azure SDK 2.4 - where did Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime go?

I upgraded from 2.3 to 2.4 and want to upgrade:


I found StorageClient at C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SDKs \ Azure.NET SDK \ v2.4 \ bin

I tried to add all these DLLs, but still can't seem to resolve the ServiceRuntime reference. I tried to search in the packages C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SDK \ Azure.NET SDK \ v2.4 \.

Where did he go?


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2 answers

Ah, this is also in C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SDKs \ Azure.NET SDK \ v2.4 \ bin \ runtimes \ base



It looks like you will need to use nget to get the version. This has version 2.4.




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