What is the recommended way to get the data in your meteor template from the interface for the famous surface?

I followed the Discover Meteor book from https://www.discovermeteor.com/ and I created a tutorial project called Microscope

In this case, the hardware router system and Meteor systems are used to visualize the external interface. I want to replicate this project using famo.us for the front-end, but I don't understand how to do it.

I know of a package called famono. mrt add famono. Using this package, I can integrate famo.us and draw a surface on the screen in a meteor project. It also allows templates to be displayed on the screen.

But I am confused about how to redo the design to allow router - routes to make known surface data.

Also I'm wondering if templates will still be responsive.

If anyone can give an idea on how to redesign the Microscope project to use famo.us on the interface, I would really appreciate it!


UPDATE (more specifically)

I am trying to figure out how to integrate the famous patterns and routing and I have no idea how to do it.

I am using iron-router to handle my routing which chooses which template and data should look like this:

Router.map ->
  @route 'posts',
    path: '/',
    data: ->


So this will load the data post template Posts.findOne ().

But I know that with known I can generate surfaces from templates at the front end like:

background = new Surface
      template: Template.post
      data: ??? (Posts.findOne()) ???


Since javascript loads the final template into the view, what is the recommended way to get the data for that template, should I query the database from the frontend while setting up custom subscriptions?

I usually transfer data to a page from a router on the server, but ...

with famous, I just need to load the main template and let the famous load the rest of the templates. All that remains is to get data for other templates. What is recommended?


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2 answers

I would start by looking at https://github.com/gadicc/meteor-famous-components/ . This package will do all the work for you if you want.

I have never used the Surface template argument, but I believe it is a one-time loader and will not update when data is invalidated (data changed).



Or you can take a look at working examples) https://github.com/sayawan?tab=repositories



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